PSC's product line consists of three highly specialized software systems expertly designed and targeted at military and civilian agencies who are required to adhere to federally mandated regulations. PSC has systematically developed and tailored these packages over the last 40+ years to rigorously meet these federal requirements as well as boost productivity and enable strong management through reporting and workflow tools.
IATS Specifications:
TPAX supports a wide range of travel types and workflows. This support is, however, customized rather than dictated by PSC to meet the needs of each office. Although most sites already use IATS they almost always have unique approaches to how travel is planned, authorized, and eventually reported to the disbursing office for settlement. PSC works with each customer when possible to tailor the TPAX user experience to preserve that existing workflow while obtaining as much benefit from the IATS integration and paperless processes provided by TPAX.
Below is a list of key features that make TPAX especially valuable to some or all of our users.
TPAX Specifications: